FOMO is the new NO

This is how to ignore the hype

Hey there,

It's Yoela again, reporting live from a city loved by gods, philosophers, and an excessive amount of tourists—Athens! Yep, the birthplace of democracy, civilization, and... more stray cats than you've ever seen in your life. Seriously, it’s like they’re running the place. But even this ancient city hasn’t escaped the grip of 2024 problems: political drama, economic woes, and of course, nomadic techies losing their minds over the latest AI breakthrough. It’s giving me déjà vu. Let’s dive into the chaos, shall we?

Remember when crypto was going to change the world? When NFTs were the future of art? Yeah, me too. But here's the thing – it's not just about the tech. It's about how these waves of hype are reshaping our work culture, and not always for the better.

Let's talk about the hype-hustle trap.

Picture this: I'm at a startup pitch event in San Francisco. The energy is electric, the coffee is flowing, and everyone's talking about the "next big thing." A young founder takes the stage, bags under her eyes, voice hoarse from rehearsing her pitch all night. She's promising to revolutionize contract law with AI. The investors are somehow eating it up. And all I can think of is…I don’t know a single lawyer that would use this.

But as I listen, I can't help but think: Is this innovation, or just really good marketing for investors?

Don't get me wrong – I love a good moonshot story. But there's a dark side to all this hype. It's creating a culture where "hustle" is the new normal, where burning out is a badge of honor, and where FOMO (Fear of Missing Out) is driving business decisions more than actual strategy.

Here's the thing: hype is seductive. It promises overnight success, unicorn valuations, and a chance to be the next Zuckerberg. But it often leads to unsustainable practices and unrealistic expectations.

So how do we break free from this cycle? Here's what I've learned:

  1. Question the hype: When everyone's excited about the "next big thing," that's exactly when you should be most skeptical. Ask yourself: Is this solving a real problem, or is it a solution looking for a problem?

  2. Define your own metrics: Success isn't just about growth rates and funding rounds. What really matters to you? For me, it's building products that make a difference and fostering a team that loves coming to work.

  3. Embrace sustainable growth: It's not sexy, but slow and steady often wins the race. I'd rather build a business that's still thriving in 10 years than burn out chasing short-term gains.

  4. Prioritize recovery: I now schedule "do nothing" time in my calendar. Seriously. It's amazing how often my best ideas come when I'm not actively hustling.

  5. Curate your information diet: I've unfollowed a lot of "hustle porn" accounts on social media. Instead, I follow people and sources who offer smart, nuanced insights in the industry, you know, the ones who’ve actually been in the trenches and grown real businesses. Some amigos and heroes:

Look, I get it. In a world of constant noise, it's tempting to shout louder just to be heard. But true innovation – the kind that actually changes the world – rarely comes from following the hype. It comes from deeply understanding problems, from diverse perspectives, and yes, from having the mental space to think creatively.

So next time you feel that FOMO kicking in, take a deep breath. Ask yourself: Am I chasing this because it's truly valuable, or because everyone else is?

Remember, the most revolutionary ideas often start with someone saying, "Actually, I don't think that's right."

How about you? How do you stay grounded in a hype-driven world? Hit reply and let me know – I always love hearing your perspectives.

Until next time, keep questioning the status quo.


P.S. Due to all your love for the Anti-Status Quo Newsletter, I’ve decided to make a new X account devoted just to sharing Anti-Status Quo tidbits. It currently only has 2 followers though…I would appreciate it if you could follow and show it some love here🫶